Will Obama Make A Better President than
Mc Cain...???
Not only USA but the world is under the blanket of two grave crisis-- the economic meltdown and the terror war. Whoever becomes the President now needs to face and overcome both these challenges.
This race for the White House between Barack Obama and John McCain is not just a battle between Democrats and Republicans.It's also a battle of ideologies; a race that pits youth vs experience, the fresh vs the tested.
Presently,with the victory in sight, Senator Obama speaks the language of hope and unity.The Democrat candidate appears to be the front runner-- age is on his side, he's young and dynamic-this is missing since the Bill Clinton times.
On the other hand, Senator McCain, if loses, would fade away graciously.And, if he were to stand against the unlikely win would be able to receive it with grace but atleast not generate bitterness and deep divisions.Despite his age he has shown he's still very much in the race.Senator McCain is experienced, impulsive, charitable and deeply emotional in his perspectives. But his spirit is not in full throttle yet.
Now we need to wait and see that whether the US, as a fading power, needs Senator Obama to balm the spirits or needs Senator McCain to hold the ground until victory is arrested...!!!!!
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