Diversification: Diversification helps reduce the risk of loss associated with any single investment. While diversification cannot eliminate risk entirely, it smoothes portfolio performance during periods of market volatility.
Professional Management:Most investors have neither the time nor the expertise needed to manage a large portfolio of securities. Mutual funds are managed by portfolio managers, who track the fund's holdings daily and decide what stocks to buy and sell.
Liquidity:Having liquidity means that any or all of your shares can be redeemed on any business day. You will receive the value of your investment at the close of the market. The value of the fund fluctuates with market conditions, and therefore, at redemption, the value of an investor's shares may be more or less than their original cost.
Convenience:The mutual fund handles all administrative aspects of share ownership. You will receive account statements, which include information on the tax status of any capital gains and dividends you receive.
To know more about the investing reasons in international equity fund,check this article: Why Invest In International Equity Mutual Funds?, by Iris Greenberger
1 comment:
realy an informative blog abt international mutual funds investment...
thnks jazzy 4 updatin on such a informative topic...
happy new yr...:))
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