This is one of the interesting thoeries which I came across.I found it fascinating as it directly relates to human behaviour. It is a market theory that states stock prices and aspirin production are inversely related. The term arises from the belief that as stock prices fall people are more likely to consume medication such as Aspirin. Investopedia explains Aspirin Count Theory :As stock prices fall, more and more people need pain relievers to get through the day.
For example the Aspirin count theory would predict that as aspirin sales increase, the stock market's value decreases and vice versa. The Aspirin count theory is a lagging indicator and actually hasn't been formally tested, so it is more a humorous hypothesis than a theory.
didn't know that aspirin has something to do with stock fluctuations...
Nice post Jazzy...!!!
Really very interesting and a nice post Jaspreet.
I was just wondering when there was steep crash in the stock market prices last year, people needed something more then just Aspirin. In fact some of them who dealt only with Stock market, consumed poison and killed themselves due to heavy losses.
Thanks Nandita & Kunal..
Yeah Kunal,I cannot even imagine the sales of asipirin immediately after the crash and no comments on the poison consumption..
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