Congrates to all who made it possible and to all who believes in India...!!!
Last month i wrote about Chandrayaan-I that lifted off from Sriharikota to the moon, the earth's closest celestial body and which had fascinated every Indian.Today, a new chapter has been added to India's space exploration history as the triclour landed on the moon(15th Nov'08, friday, 8:31 pm),
Isn't it amzing to know that was India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who in 1962 laid the foundation for India’s space programme.On his birth anniversary, it is befitting to have our flag on the Moon. It is our President APJ Abdul Kalam Ajad who led the dream in the way which was followed by many until it became a reality.
The MIP i.e Moon Impact Probe(called the brainchild of APj Abdul Kalam) landed at the designate place at a speed of 1.6 km per second and that all instruments were working on the MIP perfectly. It collected images as it descended onto the Moon. Though the MIP crash landed, our tricolour is intact.
ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair said in lightter vein: “Nothing about the Moon exites me any more. We have to look at Mars.” This means we can soon find a new chapter being added to India's history.........
We asked for moon and got it too...!!
Now we are planning for rest and will have them too..!!!
To watch Chandrayaan probe landing on Moon, check this out:
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